21 research outputs found

    DSpace: Durable Digital Documents

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    DSpace is a joint development project of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries and Hewlett-Packard Company. Its mission is to establish a library service to capture, distribute, and preserve the digital, intellectual output of the MIT community. We are developing a software platform for long-term digital content storage and preservation, and implementing this platform as a service of the Libraries

    DSpace: Durable Digital Documents

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    The DSpace system for long-term management of institutional scholarly research repositories is now in use at the MIT Libraries; we will demonstrate the system and provide more information about its design, use at MIT, and other potential uses

    The DSpace Institutional Digital Repository System: Current Functionality

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    In this paper we describe DSpaceâ¢, an open source system that acts as a repository for digital research and educational material produced by an organization or institution. DSpace was developed during two years’ collaboration between the Hewlett-Packard Company and MIT Libraries. The development team worked closely with MIT Libraries staff and early adopter faculty members to produce a âbreadth-first’ system, providing all of the basic features required by a digital repository service. As well as functioning as a live service, DSpace is intended as a base for extending repository functionality, particularly to address long-term preservation concerns. We describe the functionality of the current DSpace system, and briefly describe its technical architecture. We conclude with some remarks about the future development and operation of the DSpace system

    Opinion paper: docster – instant document delivery

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    gnujake — Ready reference, open source style

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